Motherhood, Family and Wedding Photography
Based in Owen Sound Ontario









A Mother’s Love Letter | Owen Sound Portrait Photographer


At the end of 2019 I started my maternity leave with our sweet little Beckett. I, like the rest of the world, didn’t anticipate what 2020 would bring, but I feel many of us have found goodness out of this pandemic, and for me, I found the ability to slow down. I discovered there is magic in the mundane. I started to appreciate the warm suds on my hands while I washed dishes, the softness of our clothes while I folded laundry, and the music in the notes of my children’s giggles filtering through our home.

I know these days are the good old days. I have said this over and over to Fynn this past year. These are the memories our children will have to look back on and find immense comfort in as they age and the stressors and responsibilities of the world fall on their shoulders. Watching them run down our hallway, tripping over each other trying to be first or pile on top of each other to watch movies on Friday nights, I can see how grown up they already are. And yet, when I look at these portraits, I see how small each one of them is still. So full of innocence, curiosity and confidence, and each one so different from the next. As time slips through my fingers, I want to capture them as they are…

A Mother’s Love Letter

Wess my boy, you are my natural leader. You are strong, compassionate and eager to learn. I adore how protective you are of your little sister and brother, always making sure they are safe, but ready to take them on an adventure. I love how creative you are, and generous. Everyday you are making a small gift for someone, anyone, that you care about. You love to talk, but you are an amazing listener as well. I can’t count how many times I have paused mid-conversation with you, reminding myself you just turned 5, but our conversation flows like old friends. You are the life of our family and I am so proud of you.

Farrah, my innocent little pixie. You are sweet, mischievous and motherly all wrapped up in one beautiful little 3 year old. You are constantly slipping into your dad’s and my lap, usually with a book you want us to read. I love how you quietly pick up your plate and slide it over beside mine and then plop down onto my lap at every dinnertime, without asking of course. Your quiet confidence inspires me. Your adoration for your brothers constantly warms my heart and I know your brothers would be lost without you. I delight in you daily and I am so grateful I get to be beside you as you grow.

Beckett, my charming little Beckett. You laugh so easily, which delights your big brother, and I’m pretty sure you are the reason the term “bear hug” exists. I love how tightly your 17 month old arms wrap around my neck and how insistent you are at not letting go. You are as curious as your big brother and want to do and try everything Wess and Farrah do. And somehow, you can keep up with them. You love big my little boy. And even though you will tower over me one day, I will always be here to protect your big and sensitive heart.

with love, mom

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